NYC: Sakagura Hakkaisan Sake Tanabata Matsuri

The famed Sakagura sake restaurant is hosting a very special event! To honor the Japanese Tanabata Festival, Sakagura is holding a special sake tasting featuring Hakkaisan Sake with Mr. Jiro Nagumo, President of Hakkaisan Sake Brewery as the guest of honor!
Sakagura Resturant
Tanabata Matsuri is known as the “Japanese Star Festival†and is usually held on the 7th day of the 7th month of the year. The festival commemorates two star-crossed lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi who could not be together on earth, but come together once a year in the heavens as stars.
The tasting is a standing-style reception strictly limited to 35 guests. Cost per person is $50 which includes tax and tip. We’ll be serving 4 kinds of Hakkaisan sake including a special Hakkaisan daiginjo not for sale in the U.S. The tasting also includes 4 types of appetizers paired with the sake. You’ll also receive a special sake glass as a gift from Hakkaisan Brewery. To celebrate Tanabata, please feel free to wear relaxing and comfortable Yukata to this event!
As an added bonus, Mr. Jiro Nagumo, President of Hakkaisan Sake Brewery will be in attendance as the guest of honor.
To reserve your spot for this event please call Sakagrua. Space is limited. Prompt RSVPs are recommended for this event.
RSVP Hotlines : 212-953-SAKE (7253)
Event Location:
NEW YORK, NY 10017
(bet 2nd and 3rd Avenue)
212-953-SAKE (7253)