
March 2009 Sake 101 at Astor Center!

Astor Sake deliciousnessLast Tuesday was my latest class at Astor Center, teaching the “Elements of Sake” Class. It was a blast!

The class was sold out and I was lucky to find myself in front of a room of students anxious to learn more about sake! My goal at each “Elements of Sake” class is to provide a survey of the basic classifications of sake. I know not every student will love each and every selection, but they will come closer to knowing what they do like and don’t like as far as the range of sake tastes go. This is very important to make good decisions about buying sake in the future. You’ve got to know what you like!

With a basic survey in mind, These are the 7 sakes that I chose for our most recent class:

If you want to join us for the next session, don’t hesitate to check out all the details for our April 29th Elements of Sake class. I look forward to seeing you then!