Japan Trip 2010: Yamazaki Sake Shop

Visiting Megumi Yamazaki
I was excited to see how sake is sold outside the big city so I took a day and made a detour to Kamo! And boy am I glad I did. Yamazaki-san welcomed me graciously and quickly gave me a tour of her nice shop. She introduced me to several local brands and told me that the bestseller in her shop was a local futsushu sold by the ishobin. We also discussed the current crop of delicious hiyaoroshi style sakes that were in stock now – again, almost all from the local area!
After the shop tour, Megumi took me to meet a local sake producer! more on that soon…
Oh by the way, Megumi is super plugged in! You can find her promoting sake all over the web:
Website: http://www.yamazakisaketen.com/
Blog: http://jizake.exblog.jp/15358890/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/yamazakisaketen/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/yamazakisaketen
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/yamazakisaketen
I really enjoyed my visit to this shop and my sincere thanks to Yamazaki-san for welcoming me so completely! Check out these pics from my visit to Yamazaki sake shop!